Size Matters (Regarding Zeolites)

Size matters, and when it comes to zeolites and detoxification, go small. Our bodies store toxins in the fatty tissues of our bodies—where it’s least likely to cause immediate harm (aside from pants-too-tight syndrome). This is why many a struggling dieter will attest that detoxification is paramount to weight loss success.

Any toxin the body can’t recognize or eliminate fast enough gets stored, and the only way for a zeolite to reach the fatty tissue is by entering the bloodstream. Easier said than done.

To be taken up in the small intestine, an average under 0.5 microns is ideal; meaning that most particles will be 0.5 or less (to go into the bloodstream) and some will be greater than 0.5 microns, to assist with toxins trapped in the colon. That is small (one micron is one-millionth of a meter).

Why so small? Unlike many substances, zeolites do NOT dissolve in water, so their particles remain intact, which is why a tiny particle size is necessary to be absorbed in the small intestine.

Unfortunately, while many zeolite providers “claim” to make their particles small enough, what you’ll need is proof. Ask for a particle size report to confirm you’re getting the size needed for a systemic detox (it should look like this).

The Smaller the Size, the Bigger the Surface Area?

Think of a zeolite as a sponge, soaking up toxins into the cages and canals within. When you look at a sponge you can see all the little cages and caverns that soak up water right? What if you cut that sponge in half? Now you’ve doubled the amount of exposed cages ready to soak up water. Cut it again and you’ve quadrupled it. See where this is going?

In the same vein, a zeolite crystal is most effective when it has the most cages exposed to soak up all those toxins. It’s pretty basic really. More mousetraps means catching more mice.

How many more? While it’s impossible to calculate exact surface area of a Clinoptilolite particle (since you can’t see/measure all the surface area on the pores and channels), you can underestimate by assuming it’s a sphere.

Using that as a basis, if you filled a standard 20 mL bottle with 0.4 micron sized particles, the surface area of those particles would be greater than 7,500 square feet. That’s three times more than the average American home!

If you’re still hung up on size, think of it this way; if you have a basketball, you can see the surface area. Now, if you filled that basketball with sand, the collective surface area of each grain of sand would far outnumber the surface area of the basketball.

Once the zeolite particles are small enough (under 0.5 microns) to get into the bloodstream, their toxin-trapping potential is unleashed. So when it comes to zeolites size matters—think small!


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